Our Youth NDIS programs are designed for 17 -25 year old’s. Each program focuses on building skills & confidence in a warm and encouraging environment.
These programs generally run between 6 – 8 weeks at a time. You can join at anytime during the course dates. We currently have programs at our eight NDIS locations:
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer our our Albury office.
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer at our Canberra office.
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer at our Central Coast locations.
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer at our Chatswood office.
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer at our Orange office.
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer at our Southport office.
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer at our Wagga Wagga office.
Take a look at the NDIS programs currently on offer at our Young office.
feel more confident about getting a job
are more confident in social situations
have gained more independence
say the support has improved their overall confidence
participated in our Omnia Fresh Food training initiative in 2022
SOURCE: Omnia Inclusive Customer Survey, 2022
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Omnia Inclusive Employment Solutions