Learn transferable employment skills in Omnia Fresh Foods and get one step closer to being ready for employment! Replicating real-world Woolworths supermarkets within our offices, Omnia Fresh Food gives you the opportunity to develop your skills in a practical setting. You may just need a refresher in Point of Sale Systems, or perhaps you are apprehensive about your first work experience and want the opportunity to practice your skills in a safe and comfortable environment!
Learn to work in a retail setting, by developing your skills in customer service, stock facing and presentation, product knowledge, sales, money handling, POS systems, stocktake, Work Health and Safety and teamwork.
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feel more confident about getting a job
are more confident in social situations
have gained more independence
say the support has improved their overall confidence
participated in our Omnia Fresh Food training initiative in 2022
SOURCE: Omnia Inclusive Customer Survey, 2022
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Omnia Inclusive Employment Solutions