Are you looking to create a more inclusive workforce?
Have positions to fill, but not enough candidates?
Are you interested in saving on recruitment costs?
Want to explore DES funding and support options?
Each week, our disability and diversity recruitment specialists continue to provide tailored services for businesses across Australia. We’d love the opportunity to work with your business, too.
DES is the ideal way for many businesses to begin – or continue – their journey towards a more inclusive workplace. There are several different DES subsidies available from the Federal Government for eligible employers. Each works slightly differently, but all have a similar goal of making diversity and inclusion more achievable in Australian workplaces.
As one of Australia’s leading DES providers, we will use our extensive pool of participants to match suitable individuals for your role. We will then provide on-the-job support and training for as long as is required to ensure your new team member is a success! We can also co-ordinate allied health service partners for additional support, as required.
How can Omnia Inclusive support you?
Financial assistance for new employees aged 50+
Financial assistance for new employees
Financial assistance for new employees
Depending on your circumstances your business may be eligible for one, or more, of these. Please get in touch to discuss your options.
You can find out more at
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Omnia Inclusive Employment Solutions