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Together, let's build your inclusive workplace.

As one of Australia’s leading Disability Employment Service (DES) providers, we’ll help you recruit the right person for the right job & provide ongoing on-the-job support, at no cost to you!
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Inclusive recruitment that works for you.

Are you looking to create a more inclusive workforce?

Have positions to fill, but not enough candidates?
Are you interested in saving on recruitment costs?

Want to explore DES funding and support options?

Partner with us

Building a diverse and inclusive workplace has many wonderful benefits. The journey is different for every business and there are plenty of things to consider.
For over 30 years, we have partnered successfully with businesses striving to be more inclusive in their recruitment, workplace and operational practices. The results have been amazing, for both candidates and employers.

Each week, our disability and diversity recruitment specialists continue to provide tailored services for businesses across Australia. We’d love the opportunity to work with your business, too.

inclusive employment for people with disabilities

Disability Employment Services (DES)

Building inclusive workplaces

DES is the ideal way for many businesses to begin – or continue – their journey towards a more inclusive workplace. There are several different DES subsidies available from the Federal Government for eligible employers. Each works slightly differently, but all have a similar goal of making diversity and inclusion more achievable in Australian workplaces.

As one of Australia’s leading DES providers, we will use our extensive pool of participants to match suitable individuals for your role. We will then provide on-the-job support and training for as long as is required to ensure your new team member is a success! We can also co-ordinate allied health service partners for additional support, as required.

Why build a more inclusive workplace with DES?​

  • Little or no cost to your business
  • Motivated, hard working and reliable team members
  • Reduced need for paying recruitment fees
  • Diversity changes workplaces and lives
  • It’s that simple!
employment for people with disabilities

How can Omnia Inclusive support you?

  • No direct recruitment costs to your business
  • Assistance in navigating DES subsidies
  • Locally-based disability & diversity specialists
  • Deep talent pool of highly-motivated participants
  • Wide range of skill sets and experience levels
  • Training support tailored to your organisation and new team member needs
  • Job matching to identify the suitable participants
  • ‘On-the-job’ mentoring & training
  • Access to allied health partners, as required
Did you know?
One in five Australians now lives with a disability. That’s a vast pool of amazing talent for employers to fill much-needed roles and enhance workplace diversity.

What DES support is available?

Substantial DES subsidies are available for eligible employers who are seeking to become more inclusive. There are three schemes for new employees, one for existing employees, with a separate fund to help eligible employers modify their workplaces to suit more inclusive team members.
disability employment

Restart Wage Subsidy

Financial assistance for new employees aged 50+

  • Paid over a six-month period
  • 20+ hours per week average
disability employment support

Wage Subsidy

Financial assistance for new employees

  • One-off payment
  • Initial trial period
  • Paid after 13 weeks
  • 8+ hours per week over 13 weeks
disability employment support

Wage Start

Financial assistance for new employees

  • Long-term unemployed or
  • 15+ hours per week over 26 weeks
employment for people with disabilities

Work Assist

  • Support to help team members who are impacted by an injury, disability or health condition to continue working
  • Access to Employment Assistance Fund, which can be used to fund workplace assessments, modifications, special equipment and interventions such as occupational therapy, pain management, physiotherapy and psychological counselling
australian employment and training solutions

Employment Assistance Fund

  • Financial assistance for employers seeking to modify their workplaces
  • Physical workplace adjustments & building modifications
  • Communications technology such as Auslan (Australian Sign Language) interpreting
  • Disability Awareness staff training programs
  • Specialist support for people with mental health conditions or learning disorders.
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Connect with us today

Depending on your circumstances your business may be eligible for one, or more, of these. Please get in touch to discuss your options.

What is the process?

Contact Us



Contact us for an initial discussion about your recruitment goals.
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Together we will identify the ideal types of candidates and skillsets required.
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We will present you with a range of recruitment options based on your needs.
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You agree to your preferred option and sign the DES agreement.
our partners



We liaise directly with the Government on your behalf.
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We pay the subsidy to your business.

You can find out more at

We will work with you to ensure you get maximum value from all available DES assistance.​
our partners

Our Partners​

We are proud to partner with some of Australia’s most inclusive businesses, allied health providers and community organisations. We work together, every day, to deliver holistic solutions. For all.

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