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Chloe Finds a New Path - Job Match Perfection for a Deserving Candidate

Meet Chloe

With specialised support from Omnia Inclusive, Chloe was able to gain the skills required to set herself up for future success. 

Chloe joined Omnia Inclusive where we assisted with her resume building and interview skills. “When Chloe first came to us she had low confidence and was extremely shy, but underneath the shyness and anxiety we saw a maturity and kindheartedness that we knew, with the right skills, would set her up for success”. – Michelle, Omnia Inclusive Workplace Consultant.

"Absolutely thriving"

When discussing future employment opportunities Chloe had expressed an interest in hairdressing so with the help of Belinda, Omnia Inclusive’s Business Relationship Consultant, they were able to link her up with a wonderful inclusive employer who ‘fit the bill’ – Sandy at Streakers Hair Design on the Gold Coast.

Sandy – owner of Streakers and a highly acclaimed and award-winning Hairdresser – met with Chloe and was so impressed with her potential that she offered her a full time Hairdressing Apprenticeship. Chloe accepted the position, and they have since welcomed her into their family business. Chloe has been with Streakers for 4 months now and is absolutely thriving.

"I am more outgoing and not as shy"

Sandy says that in addition to the skills of the hairdressing trade itself, Chloe is learning a host of valuable skills that will help her throughout not just her career but her personal life too.

“Hairdressing requires Chloe to cultivate many valuable interpersonal skills; she must create a special relationship with their customers, it’s a friendship and a counselling service all rolled into one” – Sandy

"Incredibly valuable employee "

Sandy acknowledges that those soft skills are difficult to train, but that Chloe’s genuine heart, maturity and commitment to the job have made her the ideal person to learn them. Sandy describes Chloe as an “incredibly valuable employee and she is looking forward to helping Chloe reach her full potential.”

Chloe’s story proves that with the right combination of having a supportive employer, hardworking candidate and workplace support, the perfect job match can be life changing. Particularly for those who struggle with mental health issues like anxiety.

"Maturity and commitment to the job"

If you’re a jobseeker who struggles with your Mental Health and you’re looking for a Disability Employment Service who can understand your challenges, contact Omnia Inclusive today. With an inclusive approach, dedicated job search support and a host of job seeker programs available, we can help you find the perfect placement for you.

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